
In this delightful basket intended to help you celebrate a special event-you will receive a bottle of sparkling Prosecco, pair of champagne glasses, bright and cozy candle as well as a special treat and napkins to serve. Everything you need in order to CHEERS your special occasion!

6 in stock

SKU: ANNIVERSARY/CELEBRATION! Gift Category: Tags: , , , , , , ,


In this delightful m=basket intended to help you celebrate a special event-you will receive a bottle of sparkling Prosecco, pair of champagne glasses, bright and cozy candle as well as a special treat and napkins to serve. Everything you need in order to CHEERS your special occasion!

All expertly wrapped up in a sweet basket, fill and cellophane! Retail for this ANNIVERSARY/CELEBRATION basket is $70 plus tax.

All items in basket may vary if we run short or need to swap for a similar item in the same price point. To fully customize a similar basket, feel free to call the store directly at (360) 631-5218 or come shop for the perfect ingredients with Traci’s help during business hours!